Printing color unit can be increased or decreased according to the customers' requirement with composite style. The printing can be finished one time continuously with both sides.
With 360 degree of installment system, ease of operation, and stability. The parts of transmission is adopted with gear structure with full sealing lubrication. The tension system is adopted with magnetic powder clutch controller, the parts of rewinding is adopted with torque motor. With double oven passage design, fast drying, fast printing. Winding and rewinding are both double working mechanisms to make the material complete with non-stop.
Technical Variables:
Length of printing
400 -600mm 、 1000mm
4500kg , 5500kg , 600kg ,
Breadth of printing
220 -750mm
kw/ 座 0.03x4=0.12kw
Speed of printing
5 -35m /min
kw/ 座 0.6x4=2.4kw
Precision of overprint
0.06 -0.2mm
Gross installation power
3kw( 电磁调度)
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